Frequently Asked Questions



What is your deadline for proposals?

All grant proposals must be submitted to the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation office by 4:00 pm on April 1st (May meeting) or August 1st (September meeting).  If the 1st falls on a weekend, the grant proposal must be submitted on the preceding Friday.

However, we do encourage every organization to submit their proposal well in advance of the proposed deadline.  This allows for us to thoroughly review your proposal and request any information that maybe missing or additional information requested by our Chairperson. 

When does the Board meet to review grants?

The Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation Board meets on the second Tuesday in May and September.

Do you have an application form?  What information is required to complete a proposal?

The Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation requests that you use the application form found under the For Grant Seekers tab and titled Grant Application.  You will find all of the necessary information under this section to fully complete your grant application.

Do you fund pilot or new programming? 

All programs must be in existence for a minimum of 2 years.  The program must also demonstrate merit and sustainability within the community and have an established list of donors and funding sources.  

What types of programs or organizations are a target focus for Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation?

Since the needs of the community are great, the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation does not focus on one particular type of program or organization.  There are several designated areas of concern which can be viewed in the Category Definitions section under the For Grant Seekers tab.  

Do you fund salaries?

The Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation Board focuses more on the tangible needs of an organization and therefore does not support salaries or stipends.  

Do you fund capital campaigns?

Under certain circumstances, the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation Board of Directors will entertain requests for specific tangible needs or projects within a capital campaign.  Please call our office to further discuss this matter and to obtain written approval to submit a grant proposal.

What types of grants do you fund?

Over the decades, the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation has awarded grants to a large number programs and projects by supporting nonprofit organizations that have a direct impact on the community.  By funding grants that fulfill the much needed tangible items such as food, clothing, furnishings, equipment, supplies, and so on, the Foundation has been able to support more areas of concern in the communities thus caring for the well-being of those in need.

To view past grants awards of the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation please visit the Grant Awards page of our website. 

Is multiple-year funding available?

The Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation Board of Directors will entertain requests for multiple year grants.  Please call our office to further discuss this matter and to obtain written approval to submit a grant proposal.

Does SRCF fund organizations throughout the US? 

Precedence is given to organizations situated within or whose activities are concentrated in first southwestern Pennsylvania, then in Northern West Virginia, northern Maryland, the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and, lastly, the United States.  Please note that the Foundation receives a large amount of requests for the Southwestern Pennsylvania area, leaving a very limited funding for programs outside of our primary geographic focus.

Does SRCF support grants to individuals?

The Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation funds only 501(c)3 designated organizations.  We cannot fund individuals but we can refer individual to organizations that can provide the type of support needed in vital circumstances. 

Can I apply for a grant if my organization has not been determined a nonprofit? 

Organizations must have determined 501(c)3 or similar nonprofit status for at least 3 years before applying.

How long will it take to receive check after approval?

From when the Board meeting is adjourned until awarded funds are posted, the approximate time is eight weeks.  During this time, all of our paperwork is taken care of including correspondences with each organization and the bank.

What happens after we receive the grant?  What kind of information is required as follow up?

When a grant is awarded, each organization is sent a Terms of Grant Agreement or TOGA.  One of the terms is: “The Grantee agrees to submit periodic written reports to the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation and a final report within three (3) months of the final expenditure. The final report should summarize the accomplishments of the grant and include a detailed financial statement.”  

Since every program or project has a different timeline, we ask that you provide the Foundation with periodic written updates on the progress of the grant every 3-6 months.

A final report is required from the grant recipients once the grant funds are expended in full and the project is completed.  This report should summarize the accomplishments of the grant and include a detailed financial statement (e.g. invoices, cancelled checks, profit & loss statements, etc.) and any other documentation.  If applicable, please provide photos as well.  The Foundation will not entertain subsequent grant applications until a final report is provided for a previous grant.

Can we announce this grant award and list the SRCF name?

Yes, please do so.  For more information, please see the Media Policy section of our website.

Can I set-up a meeting or site visit with the Foundation staff?

Site visits and meetings are an understandable way of explaining your organization’s needs.  However, phone conversations can be just as essential to determining if your organization needs correspond with the Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation’s grant criteria.  Our staff realizes that your time is very valuable and prefers e-mail and phone conversations to meetings.

Organizational site visits and/or meetings are usually conducted under extenuating two circumstances.  The first is at the request of the Board of Directors to learn more about a proposed grant.  The second is when an organization, despite its best efforts, is unable to make it past our preliminary review for three years or more.

If denied, can I apply again?

The Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation asks that each organization apply only one time per year.